
Even though Love Colorful is still quite young, with this new year it is time to bring on some changes!

The past couple of months have been dedicated to finding the right look & groove for the site (which will ALWAYS be in progress), but now I think I have a better understanding of where I’d like Love Colorful to go.  I may not have a final destination, but I’m at least headed in the right direction!

That being said, expect to see Love Colorful evolve over this next year!  I’ve got some cool stuff coming up – collaborations, a couple magazine features, and tons of fun ideas to name a few – so be sure to stick around for all the awesomeness.  Next on the list is getting the shop up and running.  It may still take a few months, but that’s only because I don’t want to rush it – I want to make sure I bring you quality products in an easy, secure, user-friendly environment.

One of the major changes with the site, though, is obviously the design. Cliffpro has been working tirelessly to making this happen!  We’ve been through a lot of ideas, but for now I’ve finally decided to go with a very simple, clean look that will allow the content to stand out and be the main focus, because that’s what it’s all about, isn’t it? :)

As the site grows and develops I’m sure you will see more design changes, but for now it’s K.I.S.S. all the way, baby. We’re trying very hard to make a place that makes you smile and inspires you in some way.  Hopefully it’s working!

To those of you who are already fans, thank you so much for supporting my little corner of the universe.  To make sure you stay up to date with all the fun & exciting things that will be happening over here, if you have a minute it would sure be swell if you did following:

Like and/or Follow Love Colorful on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, & Pinterest

Subscribe to the Love Colorful email list

Tell your friends, share links around,  and put in your own two cents through comments on any and all of the above mentioned platforms

I know it seems like a lot, but with all the different types of social media out there today that can spread information around at dizzying speeds, doing all of these things will not only ensure you don’t miss a thing, but it will also help Love Colorful grow so I can keep sharing cool stuff!

And now as a little treat, I thought it’d be fun to show you some snapshots from the evolution of Love Colorful!  (When I say we’ve been working on this for a while and have gone through a lot of design ideas, I’m not exaggerating!)

2013-01-06_0001The very first Love Colorful logo design concept (Oct 2011)
2013-01-06_0002 Early site design (July 2012)
2013-01-06_0013 Another site design concept. (September 2012) This one still holds a special place in my heart (because we all know how much I love my sequins!) but I felt it was just a little too distracting.
2013-01-06_0003 Some of Clifford’s sketches when we tried to spruce up the “imagine, create, inspire” text in the site header/logo (Oct 2012)
2013-01-06_0006 The first design we launched! (October 31, 2012)
2013-01-06_0011 A super minimalist version of the current re-design. (Jan 2013)
2013-01-06_0005 The new logo for 2013!
2013-01-06_0007 And ta-da! The new site design for 2013! I love how it’s clean and simple, with a little added flair in the font & header. (And I can swap out the background image in the header, leaving the possibilities endless! If you notice, the background in the top Love Colorful header image randomly changes slightly each time you refresh or go to a new page!)

So there you have it – a little glimpse into how the Love Colorful site came to be what it is.

I hope you all enjoy the new site! :)

DIY Glow in the Dark Glitter Snowflakes // Five Weeks of Glitter – Week Five

Imagine my surprise when I discovered there is such a thing as glow in the dark glitter. Yup, that’s right. GLOW IN THE DARK. Just when you all thought glitter couldn’t get any more fantastic, they went and did this. Genius I tell you.

And since it’s currently snowing outside my window, what better way to celebrate than with some sparkly, glow in the dark snowflakes! Super easy and super awesome!

LoveColorful_Glow Glitter Snowflakes_0001 LoveColorful_Glow Glitter Snowflakes_0004

Simply start by cutting out some paper snowflakes. You can choose to either do this by hand (just Google ‘diy paper snowflakes’) or using some type of cutting device. My Cricut has been kind of sad and neglected, so I took a few new cartridges for a spin.

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Next you’ll need some spray adhesive & some glow in the dark glitter.

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On a piece of scrap paper or cardboard, spray one side of the snowflake with the spray glue.

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Then coat that side with glitter. Repeat on other side set aside to let dry for a few minutes.

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Want to hear some more great news?? You can add the glow in the dark glitter to other colors! Just mix about equal parts of colored glitter and glow glitter!

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Finish by punching a small hole and tie on some fishing line so you can hang them up!

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So now they look pretty cool in the light, all sparkly and colorful, but the awesomeness happens when you turn off all the lights…

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LoveColorful_Glow Glitter Snowflakes_0010Crazy cool, right?! (And no, these pictures aren’t enhanced – that’s full on natural glow right there!)

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Happy Winter!

Glitter Sequin Trees // Five Weeks of Glitter – Week Four

It’s not too late to bust out some sparkle and make some festive decorations! Especially these super easy (albeit a little time consuming) trees!  Just grab a variety of glitter, glitter glue, sequins, jewels, etc. and go to town!

LoveColorful_Sequin Trees_0001 LoveColorful_Sequin Trees_0002 LoveColorful_Sequin Trees_0003 LoveColorful_Sequin Trees_0004 LoveColorful_Sequin Trees_0005 LoveColorful_Sequin Trees_0006

Free Glitter Wallpapers // Five Weeks of Glitter – Week Three

Did you know glitter can make some pretty cool bokeh effects when you play around with taking pictures of it? Well it can, and I did, so now I’m offering some free neat-o wallpapers for your viewing pleasure.  And who doesn’t like free stuff?

{If you’d just like to download just one or two, simply click the image so it opens in a new tab, then right click and save (these are the full size images, so they should fit almost any device / screen size)  If you want them all, there’s a link to download a zip file down below the images!}


Download All The Glitter Wallpapers! (.zip – 2.7mb)


Holiday Bow Dresses // Bliss Bridal, CT

Since I know you all just couldn’t get enough of my own holiday bow dress, here is a little glimpse into my bow dress collaboration with Bliss Bridal in Cheshire, CT!

Jess and her team at Bliss are the ones who helped me pull everything together for my wedding dress, so when we got to talking about a bridal bow dress for the shop window I was more than happy to help!  I spent six hours making two bow dresses – a white bridal gown with silver and pink accents (to match their shop!) and a fun, colorful bridesmaid’s dress.  It was a long day full of hot glue, spray glitter, and a TON of bows, but I had so much fun and it was all well worth it!

Here are some pictures from the day (courtesy of my super helpful and patient husband!)

If you’re in the area, go check out how awesome they look in person!