Holiday Bow Dress

This year for our holiday photos I decided I just had to cover a dress entirely in colorful gift bows.  I found a cheap green velvet dress, ironed in some interfacing for stability, then hot glued every single bow on one by one.

I’m pretty sure it’s my calling in life to make and wear crazy colorful dresses. And for Cliffpro to wear cool vests.  Just look at our wedding photos.  Speaking of photos, these were all taken by the super-awesome-wonderfully-amazing Marisa of Sassy Mouth Photo.  And my hair and makeup was done by the also super-awesome-wonderfully-amazing Stephanie and Jess of Larissa Lake Makeup Artist. Seriously, it’s pretty cool to have all this talent around me to make my stuff look even better!

(And don’t miss the bridal bow dress I made for Bliss Bridal in Cheshire, CT!)