hope [\ˈhōp\]
n. the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best
v. to look forward to with desire and reasonable confidence; to believe, desire, or trust
Last week I was super excited to receive my Band4Hope in the mail. It travelled all the way from Australia just to get to me.

Band4Hope is a non-profit social project that encourages kindness and raises money for various charities.
“The Band4Hope Project is an innovate not-for-profit social enterprise which exists to encourage acts of kindness [Actions4Hope] and raise funds and awareness for charities through travelling, trackable wristbands called Band4Hopes.
Band4Hopes are ethically handcrafted copper and zinc wrist bands from Africa.
Each one is engraved with a unique ID which enables them to be passed from person to person and tracked online, spreading hope by encouraging people to do Actions4Hope [acts of kindness] and raising donations for your chosen charity for years to come.”
You can follow the Love Colorful Hope Trail at http://band4hope.com/hopetrail/Love+Colorful
Want to start your own Band4Hope trail? Go to www.band4hope.com/shop
Let’s all do some good, ok?
#band4hope #actions4hope #ihopethatinmylifetime #4hope #pic4hope